Opening Gathering
Puria - How to Stay Empowered in a Turbulent World
Sue Cooper Founder of MOMM (Moments of Mass Mindfulness) - A Mindful Path: From Courage to Conscious Awareness
Jeff Genung - Prosocial Spirituality: Where Evolutionary Science Meets Contemplative Inquiry
Life Purpose Group - Gathering
Jonathan Robinson - The Future of Spiritual Awakening
Peter Merry Ph.D. - "Volution - why transcending linear thinking is key to healing the pain and unlocking the promise"
Dr. Marietta Schürholz - Introduction to Ritual-Film
Evolutionistas - Igniting the NEW GENIUS
EVOLVE INTO YOUR WHole universal Being
What speakers say about the summit
Carolyn Anderson
Gary Zukav
Dr. Julie Krull
Eugene Pustoshkin
Patricia Albere
Dr. Kurt Johnson
MANY OF THE speakers for conscious evolution

Gary for years has conveyed the most complex insights in language all can
understand. Over and over, he challenges us to see the depth of our potential in the
world and act on that awareness. He is the author of four consecutive New York Times Bestsellers like The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness and The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice, both co-authored with Linda Francis
His gentle presence, humor, and wisdom have endeared Gary Zukav to millions of
viewers through his thirty-four appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Six million
copies of his books are in print and translations have been published in twenty-four languages.

Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, previously a senior international business woman and author, latterly of the award-winning The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation.
Integrating leading-edge science, consciousness and supernormal research and universal wisdom teachings in a paradigm of unified reality, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle, co-founder of Whole World-View and co-convener of Unity Community, a
growing global network of transformational change makers.

A. H. Almaas is the pen name of A. Hameed Ali, founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-Realization, a contemporary teaching that developed within the context of both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology theories. Almaas has authored eighteen books about spiritual realization, including the Diamond Heart series, The Pearl Beyond Price, The Void, and The Alchemy of Freedom.
He is the founder of the Ridhwan School for Spiritual Development, an inner work school devoted to the realization of True Nature. The orientation of the school is directed toward guiding students to realize their true nature to the fullest realization and further still to endless enlightenment.

Elisabet is an internationally reknowned evolutionary biologist, cosmologist and futurist, professor, author and speaker teaching the history of EarthLife including us humans, the nature of Living Economies we must emulate and How to Navigate our Perfect Storm of Crises.

Ben is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace.
In October 2015, at the Parliament of World’ Religions, Ben launched, an online platform aimed at countering religious fundamentalism, relativism and western materialism. Since then he has worked to build UNITY EARTH into a global platform that can support and empower the many grassroots movements working towards unity and peace in the world.

Niki is an award-winning functional health practitioner and medical empath, helping people to optimize emotional and physical health. In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-body clinics in integrative medicine in the UK. The results with patients at the clinic were published as a preliminary study in 2012 in the British Medical Journal Open. In August 2015 Niki hosted the largest ever free online health summit at the time on overcoming fatigue with over 30,000 attendees. Since 2015 she has spoken on over 50 large online health summits reaching over 1 million people world-wide. In 2020 she cohosted the largest ever online event health summit on overcoming trauma and mind body medicine with over 90 world leading experts.

Carl Johan Calleman is a scientist with a PhD in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm. He is the originator of Macrocosmic Quantum Theory, the most encompassing and advanced theory that exists to date for the evolution of consciousness. He is the author of seven books including the best-selling The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, ultimately accessed from ancient Mayan science.

Patricia is the founder of the Evolutionary Collective, internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and bestselling author of Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Mutual Awakening. Her unique discovery of the essential components that create an awakened ‘we space’ is transforming our understanding of what is possible in the space between us.

Peter Merry is co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University. He has a PhD in Volution Theory - a new philosophy that transcends yet includes linear evolutionary thought. He’s an activist, entrepreneur, philosopher, musician and father.

Mariana is the leading force in Integral Investing implementing the UN SDG within planetary boundaries and a successful serial entrepreneur. She has been elected European Female Investor of 2019 (BAND & BEA), Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 (EBAN), member of the intl. Club of Rome, and fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. She has earned an outstanding investment track record by de-risking early stage investments using the Theta Model, a de-risking method she invented based on integral theory by Ken Wilber. Together with the co-presidents of the Club of Rome and +100 fellow investors, she launched the Investment Turnaround with the intention to demonstrate that financial returns are inseparably linked to positive ecological, social, cultural and ethical effects as well as individual self-actualization and joy. Educated at Stanford University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, she holds a MS in AI and a Ph.D. in psychology.

Jonathan is a psychotherapist, bestselling author of 14 books, and the co-host of the podcast "Awareness Explorers." His focus is providing people with practical methods for glimpsing awakened consciousness that take under two minutes to do.

Isira is a wisdom keeper, spiritual leader and author of Australian Indigenous heritage who has been ordained by His Holiness Dalai Lama. Embodying wisdom from the many challenges of her life experience, Isira brings rare clarity and unconditional love, to the challenges we face. She offers a way to respond, realign ourselves and move forward to a new more empowered life. In the words of many - she is a truly transformative presence.

Tom is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in guiding couples through the predictable stages of an intimate relationship and what it takes to reach the higher levels of connection. He is also Chairperson of IEC’s International Consortium of Integral Scholars.

Karen is an international transformational speaker and healer who has studied under many teachers. After tenaciously clearing enough of her own distortion patterns, her frequency resonance has risen enough so that she can use her special abilities to help people clear old programs at their spirit’s blueprint level, catalyzing fundamental transformation and spiritual awakening so they can embody their greatest, most authentic selves.

Juan Carlos is a social architect specializing in evolutionary leadership, global collective intelligence, social networks and organizational transformation.
He is also Co-Founder of the School of Social Alchemy and partner in “Together”, a social synergy platform being designed to foster global societal wellbeing.

Sabine is a gifted sound healing expert, singer and songwriter. Both her beautiful angelic voice and her healing songs raise consciousness and help connect and realign to once innate wisdom and power. She speaks straight to the heart, calming, instilling a deep soft confidence. Her teachings and sound healings are filled with inspiration, light and love, coming directly from source spirit. When she sings she transmits light languages to raise vibration, to heal, awaken and remember who we truly are.

Julie is recognized as a steward of the new earth, midwifing the evolution of consciousness and the ethos of wholeness, as an author, speaker, mentor and healer. With her authentic voice and visionary gifts, she is a trusted guide for evolutionary leaders and spiritual seekers everywhere.

Laor is a Musician | Medicine woman | Vocal artist | Lover of life.
Laor has been researching the powers of the human voice for over 15 years.
She leads sacred circles, concerts and ceremonial concerts worldwide. Her abilities and skills culminate in her unique, magical VoicEssence Vocal-breath journey workshops.
Gathering with Laor is a unique, awakening, inspiring and one of a kind
experience that touches the depth of our souls and being; Laor has a one of a kind quality to make people feel at home, safe and to dive deep into their
souls and heal their lives and hearts.
Laor’s passion is inspiring people to sing, pray, breath and love like never before!

Eugene Pustoshkin is a clinical psychologist and Integral therapist in private practice, Holoscendence and Integral Meditation teacher, one of the pioneers of Integral Metatheory and Practice in Russia. Eugene has translated several Ken Wilber books to Russian. He is the Chief Editor at Eros & Kosmos, the leading Russian Integral & transpersonal online magazine/journal, and the Bureau Chief / Associate Editor for Russia at Integral Leadership Review.

Marilyn is the Founder of Integral City Meshworks and the author of the Integral City Book Series. With the Master Code of Care, she is reinventing the city as an evolutionary, complex adaptive human system, she calls the “human hive”. Using Integral frameworks and biomimicry consciousness she is schooling a planet of Integral Cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs.

Carolyn Anderson is the co-founder and co-director of Global Family and a founding steward of Hummingbird Community in northern New Mexico. She has been living and sharing the principles and practices of co-creation for over three decades and is the co-author of The Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0.

Engaged in co-creative practices for decades, Katharine is a visionary, social pioneer, and educator committed to cultivating whole systems health and a soul-centric culture guided by love. She is a co-founder and an active steward of Hummingbird Community, Co-executive Director of Hummingbird Transformational Living Center and co-author of the Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0.

Jeanne is a visionary, educator, author and speaker. She is Co-Founder and President of the Interstellar Community Foundation (IFC). She is member of the Evolutionary Leaders organization founded by futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, whose intent is to expand and raise the level of human consciousness on our planet.

Laura is a designer, facilitator, project collaborator, possibility manager and action learner with a deep care for the living earth and passion for evolutionary development working for ecological and social regeneration.
She has a Bachelor in integrative eco-social design and is enrolled in a Master program at Gaia University where she is also mentor for students. Furthermore, Laura is a board member of the Global Eco Village Network and active practitioner of Permaculture, a member of the Circlewise Network and the Social System Mapping Community of Practice.

Sand Symes is the founder of Rise As She - a global community of conscious women who are connected to all life, and are bringing their voices powerfully into the world. As a modern medicine woman, shamanic practitioner, spiritual teacher, certified coach, former social worker and intuitive healing guide, Sand's work is devoted to igniting the emergence of women's voice - The Voice of the Feminine - which has never been more critically needed on this planet than now.

The question of how we responsibly harness our humanity has been a guide for Jon most of his adult life, from his roots in personal development and consulting in Europe to authoring Your Planet Needs You, a handbook for creating the world we want in 2006. From that publication Jon was invited to The Pachamama Alliance in San Francisco, from where, as the Program Director for the Awakening the Dreamer program, he travelled the world supporting volunteer change-makers. Now living in California, Jon and his wife Sand Symes are committed to supporting women and men in the transformation required for the emergence of feminine wisdom as a vital contribution to the next steps of the human family.

Wowza’s work is a synthesis of six decades facilitating personal growth, and the expansion of human potential. As one of the pioneers in the field of expressive arts therapy - transforming the wounding of the past into artful creativity.

Amanda Kiessel is co-founder of Good Market, a curated community of social enterprises, responsible businesses, voluntary organizations, and changemakers working to create a 21st century economy that’s “good for people and good for the planet.” The online platform includes over 1,400 enterprises from 47 countries. Amanda is originally from the United States, but has been based in Asia since 1999. She has a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies, a Masters in Sustainable International Development, and a degree in Biology with a specialty in ecotoxicology. Before Good Market, she spent nearly 15 years working with local organizations on agroecology and sustainable food systems, organizational change, and social enterprise development. Amanda is an Ashoka Fellow.
panel co-creating europe

Annette is an Author, a Spiritual Teacher and a Visionary of a Universal Spirituality.
She sees the 21st century as a call for co-creating a new culture in collective wisdom and love of One Heart.

Sonja Student lives in Berlin, Germany. Together with Annette Kaiser and Thomas Steininger she is one of the vision-holders of co-creating europe. For nearly 30 years she has been committed to bringing children’s rights and democracy education on the agenda in schools, ministries, etc. She is founder of the NGO Makista – Bildung für Kinderrechte und Demokratie. Since 1996 she is dedicated to the work of integral philosopher Ken Wilber and the integral movement in Germany, integral Salons and the board of Integrales Forum, she wrote articles and a book about integral philosophy and initiated DIA – The Integral Academy. Together with Thomas Steininger and Jens Heisterkamp she founded the Herbstakademie-Frankfurt, which contributes to an evolutionary spirituality and is based on intercultural and interspiritual dialogue.

Julian Baller is a cultural activist, writer, and change facilitator. He is the managing director and community holder of Co-Creating Europe, an international network of social change agents with a grounding in contemporary spirituality.
This fall he is Co-Creating the Caravan of Unity. A European contribution to one of the largest collective actions for peace in human history together with a wonderful team as part of an initiative of Unity Earth.
prosocial spirituality panel

David Sloan Wilson Ph.D. has made foundational contributions to evolutionary science and the study of evolution in relation to human affairs. He is SUNY Distinguished Professor of Biology and Anthropology at Binghamton University and President of the Evolution Institute, which applies evolutionary thinking to the solution of real-world problems. His two most recent books are Does Altruism Exist? Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others, and This View of Life, Completing the Darwinian Revolution.

Riane is president of the Center for Partnership Studies (CPS), Editor-in-Chief of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies at the University of Minnesota, and internationally known as author of The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future (now in 27 foreign editions and 57 U.S. printings) and other books. Her The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics was hailed by Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu as “a template for the better world we have been so urgently seeking." Her recent Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future (co-authored with anthropologist Douglas Fry; Oxford University Press, 2019) combines her research with the latest findings from the social and biological sciences, especially neuroscience.

Jeff is co-founder and President of Contemplative Life,,
and most recently Prosocial Spirituality, an initiative exploring the integration of evolutionary science and contemplative science. He also serves as a core team member of Prosocial World.

Kurt has a PhD in Evolution and Ecology. He has worked in professional science and comparative religion over 40 years and is ordained or certified in five religious traditions.
Kurt is a prominent figure on international committees, particularly at the United Nations, he is author of several books, most recently, co-editor of Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future”, a book from the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.
Kurt is host for the Convergence radio series on VoiceAmerica, a series featuring global change-makers, and an editor of three magazines: The Convergence, Light on Light, and Conscious Business.
Among many other associations he is a founder of the UN NGO Forum 21 Institute, is President of the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and a member of the Evolutionary Leaders (
evolutionary leaders Panel

Diane Marie is the Founder and President of The Source of Synergy Foundation. She was the initiator with Deepak Chopra of one of its main projects, the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. She served as Founding Chairperson of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns at the United Nations in New York. She was a recipient of the Spirit of the United Nations, the Golden Rule and the PEMAC Peace Awards.

Deborah, an ordained interfaith minister, is the founder of the Garden of Light, Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation, and Vision Keeper at Unity.Earth. She represented May Peace Prevail on Earth International at the United Nations for more than 20 years.

Robert is an author, educator, and developmental psychologist, is a 2017 Nautilus Book Award winner for The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. He is also the author or co-editor of eight other books, including Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future (2020), Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969 (2019), Mystic Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your Soul’s Story (2012), and The Gift of Stories (1995). He is professor emeritus at the University of Southern Maine, director of Story Commons, founder of the Piscataqua Peace Forum, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders, and deeply committed to assisting the evolutionary impulse toward wholeness and unity.

Desiree a social scientist, futurist, and environmentalist, is president of the Foundation for Future Science, which assists communities and individuals in many developing countries, and is also the vice president and co-founder of the Academy for Future Science. She is an author of several books, including Overself Awakening, coauthored with her husband, J. J. Hurtak, which seeks to bring insights and understanding of our true potential in life.
James J. a social scientist and futurist, co-founded the Academy for Future Science (AFFS), an international NGO, to foster cooperation between science and consciousness through social projects and dialogue. He is the author of numerous books showing how science and religion need not be mutually exclusive, as well as The Book of Knowledge. He holds two PhDs, one from the University of California and a second from the University of Minnesota.

Joan is a world- renowned expert in the mind-body connection. A licensed psychologist and Harvard Medical School–trained cell biologist, she synthesizes cutting- edge science with deep humanity. A New York Times bestselling author of seventeen books, she has work that has also appeared in the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal and on public television and numerous web- sites. She is president of Mind-Body Health Sciences, LLC, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Gordon approaches organizational, social, and cultural change as “learning our way into the future” together; he described this in his doctoral dissertation, From Man- power to Mindfulness: The High-Tech Culture of Emergence and Its Implica- tions for Education. He assisted Rachael Kessler in founding the PassageWorks Institute, a leading catalyst in humanizing education. With his wife, Joan Borysenko, he codeveloped the Claritas Institute for Interspiritual Inquiry and coauthored Your Soul’s Compass.

puria kästele
Founder and Host of the Conscious Evolution Summit

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"As I reflect on my year, I am clear your conscious evolution summit is one of the highlights this year. Your powerful journey and work clearly hit the mark of what we are all striving for - to consciously evolve. I salute you and thank you for your bravery to come forward in a capacity with which others have not quite been able. The world of tele summits is changing and you have presented a model that is compassionate, kind and inclusive. I felt and saw that."
Grace Valador // Canada

"I have watched many summits over the years and yours I would rank at the very top, among the two or three most meaningful, deep, and impactful. Your presence and love were as responsible for this as the depth and wisdom of your guests. Also, on a purely technical basis, the beauty of the production created a nurturing package for the delivery of the content. Thank you, thank you for all you give.
I do hope you will continue. It is so rare to have someone of your consciousness doing summits of this breadth."
Tomar Levine // USA
"Puria, you are present from the first second with all your heart and with warm friendliness! With that you put me under its spell and it's fun to get involved with you and to follow you. And you make me want to feel nature and to experience me in loving community. So you meet my desire completely and touch me to tears! Thank you for this inspiration and powerful memory."
T0bias // Germany

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about puria
Since my early childhood I have felt connected to my being which is the guiding light through challenging human experiences. Although sometimes in gloomy times, like severe illness, burnout, divorce, I had the impression of having lost the connection, I've learned to trust that the sun exists even when I'm walking through the night.
It was the powerful vision of my "future self" which motivated me to host this summit. I want to encourage you to leave the limitations of your conditioned self behind, to find your inherent source of wisdom and love and feel empowered to live a meaningful, authentic life.
purias vision
There is this inner knowing, this certainty that not just myself but all of humanity is about to birth into something really, really new. A state of being and consciousness which wasn’t possible for all of us before. To consciously invite our next step in the evolution of humanity, activate the NEW around the whole planet and to co-create a world we are dreaming of, is my vision for this summit.
I am so excited to take you with us to the leading edge of conscious evolution.

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